Mr. Braida to Mr.
of the United States,
Bluefields, March 31, 1894.
(Received April 11.)
Sir: I beg to inclose herewith correspondence with
the British vice-consul in regard to the formation of a provisional
Government for the Mosquito Reserve, and my note to Gen. C. A. Lacayo in
reference to the same.
I am, etc.,
[Page 268]
[Inclosure 1.]
Mr. Hatch to Mr.
Mosquito Reserve, Nicaragua, March
31, 1894.
Your Excellency: In answer to your dispatch of
to-day’s date I beg leave to state that in my opinion the Provisional
Government has been formed in accordance with protocol of 19th instant
(see this protocol, marked Basis, in inclosure in No. 32), made between
His Excellency Carlos A. Lacayo, commissioner to the Mosquito Reserve,
and Her Britannic Majesty’s Consul H. F. Bingham, esq.
I have, etc.,
Edwin D. Hatch,
Acting Vice-Consul.
[Inclosure 2.]
Mr. Braida to
General Lacayo.
Sir: Since the receipt of your communication of
the 24th instant in regard to a provisional council having been
established, I have repeatedly requested the representative of the other
high contracting party, Vice-Consul E. Hatch, to inform me whether this
council was formed in compliance with the compact made between your
excellency and Her Britannic Majesty’s Consul Bingham.
Having been informed by Vice-Consul Hatch this morning that he, in behalf
of his Government, considers said council formed according to the
agreement, I have the honor of thanking you for your kind
I am, etc.,