Mr. Gresham to Mr. Baker.

Sir: I transmit for your information a copy of a telegram2 from our consular agent at Bluefields, Nicaragua, touching an invasion of the troops of Honduras at Cape Gracias; also a copy of a letter of the Secretary of the Navy by which you will see that the Kearsarge has been ordered to that quarter.

I am, etc.,

W. Q. Gresham.

Mr. Herbert to Mr. Gresham.

Sir: I have the honor to submit, for your information, the following translation of a cipher dispatch sent by this Department to the commander in chief of the North Atlantic Station:

January 27, 1894.

Stanton, Port au Prince:

The United States consular agent reports Honduras invading at Cape Gracias á Dios, Nicaragua. Go immediately with Kearsarge to protect lives and property of American citizens at or in neighborhood of Bluefields, Nicaragua, and report condition of affairs. Subsequent movements left to your discretion.


Very respectfully, etc.,

H. A. Herbert,
Secretary of the Navy.
  1. See ante.