Mr. Gresham to Mr. Zeballos.

Sir: I have the honor to address you on the subject of the regulations established on the eastern side of the North Pacific Ocean from the thirty-fifth degree of north latitude to the Bering Straits for the proper protection and preservation of the fur-seal species.

Those regulations, which are at present applicable only to the subjects or citizens of the United States and of Great Britain, are prescribed by the award of the Tribunal of Arbitration constituted under Article I of the treaty concluded between the two powers at Washington on the 29th of February, 1892. The preservation of the fur-seal species, however, being an object of interest and concern to the whole of the civilized world, the high contracting parties agreed, by Article VII of the above-mentioned treaty, to cooperate in securing the adhesion of other powers to such regulations as the arbitrators should deem necessary to carry out the purpose in view, having regard to the particular conditions of fur-seal hunting in the waters referred to.

The Government of the United States has given effect by suitable legislation to the regulations prescribed by the award, and the time has therefore now arrived for inviting the adhesion of the other powers thereto. Accordingly, I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of the award, setting out in substance the provisions of the treaty and prescribing the regulations in question. I have also the honor to transmit a copy of the acts of Congress passed to give effect to those regulations as regards United States vessels and citizens.

It only remains for me to invite the adhesion of your Government to the regulations prescribed by the award, with a view to their application [Page 218] to the vessels and citizens of your country and to their enforcement by appropriate national legislation.

This Government will be much gratified to learn that the Government of the Argentine Republic is willing to support the efforts made by the United States and Great Britain in so beneficent a cause.

Accept, sir, etc.,

W. Q. Gresham.
Identic note sent to— Acknowledged. Identic note sent to— Acknowledged.
Argentic legation Sept. 4, 1894. Japanese legation Aug. 23, 1894.
Austro-Hungarian legation Aug. 22, 1894. Mexican legation Aug. 21, 1894.
Belgian legation Dec. 23, 1894. Netherlands consulate-general. Sept. 17, 1894.
Brazilian legation Aug. 24, 1894. Peruvian legation Aug. 21, 1894.
Chilean legation Aug. 21, 1894. Portuguese legation Oct. 15, 1894.
French embassy Oct. 5, 1894. Russian legation Aug. 10–22, 1894.
German embassy Oct. 29, 1894. Spanish legation Aug. 24, 1894.
Hawaiian legation Aug. 22, 1894. Swedish legation
Italian embassy Nov. 5, 1894 Turkish legation

Acknowledgments of receipt of identic note are as follows: