Mr. Gresham to Prince Cantacuzene.

My Dear Sir: Referring to a communication of this morning, I inclose herewith for your information draft of a modus vivendi which the United States are willing to enter into with the Imperial Government of Russia for the, protection of fur seals on the Russian side of the Bering Sea.

Very truly, yours,

W. Q. Gresham.

Agreement between the Government of the United States and the Imperial Government of Russia for a modus vivendi in relation to the fur-seal fisheries in Behring Sea, and the North Pacific Ocean.

For the purpose of avoiding difficulties and disputes in regard to the taking of fur seal in the waters of Bering Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, and to aid in the preservation of seal life, the Government of the United States and the Imperial Government of Russia have entered into the following temporary agreement, with the understanding that it is not to create a precedent for the future, and that the contracting parties mutually reserve entire liberty to make choice hereafter of such measures as may be deemed best adapted for the protection of the fur-seal species, whether by means of prohibitive zones or by the complete prohibition of pelagic sealing, or by appropriate regulation of seal hunting in the high seas.

The Government of the United States will prohibit citizens of the United States from hunting fur seal within a zone of ten nautical miles along the Russian coasts of Bering Sea and of the North Pacific Ocean, as well as within a zone of thirty nautical miles around the Komandorsky (Commander) Islands and Tulienew (Robbin) Island, and will promptly use its best efforts to ensure the observance of this prohibition by citizens and vessels of the United States.
Vessels of the United States engaged in hunting fur seal in the above-mentioned zones outside of the territorial waters of Russia may be seized and detained by the naval or other duly commissioned officers of Russia; but they shall be handed over as soon as practicable to the naval or other commissioned officers of the United States or to the nearest authorities thereof. In case of impediment or difficulty in so doing, the commander of the Russian cruiser may confine his action to seizing the ship’s papers of the offending vessels in order to deliver them to a naval or other commissioned officer of the United States or to communicate them to the nearest authorities of the United States as soon as possible.
The Government of the United States agrees to cause to be tried by the ordinary courts, with all due guarantees of defense, such vessels of the United States as may be seized, or the ship’s papers of which may be taken, as herein prescribed, by reason of their engaging in the hunting of fur seal within the prohibited zones outside of the territorial waters of Russia aforesaid.
The Imperial Russian Government will limit to 30,000 head the number of fur seal to be taken during the year 1894 on the coasts of Komandorsky (Commander) and Tulienew (Robbin) islands.
Tire present agreement shall have no retroactive force as regards the seizure of any seal-hunting vessel of the United States by the naval or other commissioned officer of Russia prior to the conclusion hereof.
The present agreement being intended to serve the purpose of a mere provisional expedient to meet existing circumstances, may be terminated at will by either party upon giving notice to the other.

In witness whereof we, Walter Q. Gresham, Secretary of State of the United States, and Prince Cantacuzene, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, have, on behalf of our respective Governments, signed and sealed this agreement in duplicate and in the English and French languages, in the city of Washington, this day , 1894.
