Mr. Gresham to Mr. White.

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch of January 10, last, reporting that the imperial foreign office desired to know whether the Government of the United States would be disposed to entertain proposals for a modus vivendi as regards the North Pacific seal fisheries, similar to that now existing between Russia and Great Britain.

A reply has been unavoidably delayed by the failure thus far of the British Government to commence-negotiations for the enforcement of the award of the Paris Tribunal of Arbitration. That award constitutes a valid obligation on the contracting parties, and every effort is being made by this Government to give it speedy effect in all its parts.

The award contemplates that the United States and Great Britain shall extend joint invitations to other powers to give their adhesion to such measures as may be agreed upon for the enforcement of the reported regulations, and the cordial character of the proposal of Russia plainly indicates that the adhesion of that Government will not be difficult to obtain.

I am, etc.,

W. Q. Gresham.