No. 41.
Mr. Gresham to Mr. Guzman.

Sir: I have much pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of the note with which you have favored me under date of the 30th ultimo, and in which, referring to our conversation of that morning, you send me copies of the important canal documents of which we spoke, and express the anxious desire of your Government to see that great highway between the two oceans opened up for navigation as soon as possible, and its appreciation of the interest the United States have so long shown in the enterprise.

For myself, Mr. Minister, I can add little to what has been so ably and earnestly said on many occasions heretofore touching the deep conviction felt by this Government that the completion of the inter-oceanic canal under distinctively American auspices and in the interest of the independent States of this hemisphere and of the world’s commerce is a necessity, the importance of which is shown to grow more vital with each passing year. In the President’s judgment, the speedy realization of the work is one of the highest aims toward which the [Page 70] two Governments can move in friendly accord, and no effort will be wanting on our part to bring about so desirable a result, with due regard to all the vast interests involved therein.

Accept, etc.,

W. Q. Gresham.