Mr. Denby to Mr. Blaine.

No. 1441.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose a translation of an imperial decree which appeared in the Peking Gazette yesterday. This decree recites that the rebels in Mongolia have been several times routed by the imperial troops, their leaders have been killed or captured, and the insurrection is practically finished.

The information furnished is generally credited at Peking and has been received with much satisfaction by the foreign community.

I have, etc,

Charles Denby.
[Page 77]
[Inclosure in No. 1441.—Translation.]

Imperial decree.

We some time ago received from Te Fu a memorial with reference to the rebels at Jeho and Chao-yang. At that time Li Hung-chang, Ting-an, and Yu-lu were ordered to dispatch troops thither by different routes and suppress the uprising.

Later we received a memorial from Yeh Chih-ch’ao, lieutenant-general of Chihii, stating that at Chien-chang, Hsien, San-shih-chia-tzu, and other places victories had been gained over the rebels.

Now memorials are simultaneously presented from Ting-an, Yu-lu, and Li Hung-chang reporting the overthrow of the adherents of the prohibited sects and giving the details of repeated victories over them. Of these memorials we have taken careful notice.

During the 10th moon, from the 20th to the 27th day (November 21–28) the brigade generals, Nieh Kuei lin and Keng Teng-ming, ordered over from Manchuria gained repeated battles within the limits of Chao-yang Hsien. They captured alive Kuo Wan-chang, the leader of the rebels, and many others. They also captured alive another leader called Yang Ming and killed Tu Pa-shih, a leader of a sect. More than a thousand of the bandits were put to flight and all who remained were defeated and scattered.

Chang Yung-ching, brigade general, and others have now been sent to Chang-wu, Yai Men and that vicinity to coöperate in the conquest of those localities. The companies of troops sent on by Yeh Chih-chao defeated the adherents of the prohibited sects on the 27th of last month (November 28) at Wu-kuan-ying in the jurisdiction of Chien-chang Hsien. They put to death the great leaders Fu-Lien-hsin and Peng Tai-ho. They also killed many of the Taoist renegades, who wore strange garments and recited spells. The ground was strewn with the corpses of the rebels slain. Countless arms and horses were taken.

The neighborhood of Ping-chien is now free from rebels and the work of conquest is being carried on step by step from Chien-chang to Chao-yang. Companies of cavalry have been dispatched from the district under Prince Ka-la-chin to surround and defeat the rebels to the northwest.

The measures taken have been most satisfactory. The bodies of troops sent on this occasion from Manchuria and Chihli have advanced with the utmost rivalry. In every fight they have gained a victory. They deserve great praise.

Orders must be given to Li Hung-chang, Ting-an, and Yu-lu to command the officers and troops to avail of this opportunity to inspire terror amongst the rebels and with combined strength to proceed with the work of suppression. Let them hasten to destroy the rebels now occupying Chao-yang, and allow none to remain, and thus restore peace to the country.