Legation of
the United States,
Peking, November 10, 1891.
(Received December 28.)
No. 1418.]
[Inclosure in No. 1418.]
Mr. Reid to Mr.
fu, China, October 27,
Sir: I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of
your letter of the 1st instant, and to thank you for again addressing
the tsung li yamen concerning the difficulties at this place, and also
those at Chi-ning-chow. It is now possible for me to favor your
excellency with a report of the very satisfactory settlement of the
missionary troubles of our Presbyterian mission at Chi-ning-chow. By the
energetic action of the present Taotai at Chi-nan fu, to whom the
governor of the province had referred all cases connected with
foreigners, it was decided in the month of September that a special
deputy, Chin-cheng Keng, should be sent to Chi-ning-chow to confer with
the local officials at that place Pen yu sen, and to so mediate that a
settlement might be reached without delay. About that time a new order
was received from the tsung li yamen in response to a dispatch from your
excellency. A second deputy of the rank of prefect was also appointed by
the governor with special instructions to proceed to Chi-ning-chow and
effect the immediate adjustment of both the American case and that of
the German missionaries. As representing the interests of our own
mission, and with the favor of a special order from the governor, I went
in person to that city to consult with the local official and the two
deputies as to the most wise and harmonious adjustment of the
difficulties. By the strict orders which had been issued by the taotai
at the capital, by the cautious and earnest efforts of the deputies, and
the capacity, wisdom, and courage of the local official, I was able
after a few friendly consultations to reach such a result as seemed for
the interests of peace, as well as the safety of the mission. The
official had already issued a clear and strong proclamation and had
secured the support of the gentry in the guaranty of peace for the
future. The official on his part made a small recompense in money of the
things stolen during the riots, and the gentry of the city sent as a
body a present to both Dr. Hunter and myself as an indication of their
friendly interest. An exchange of calls was made between myself and the
officials, gentry, and scholars. The local official received me each
time with great respect and exerted himself to clear the minds of the
people of all suspicions and hostility. Assistance was openly rendered
in the purchase of a small piece of property, a proclamation was issued
announcing the fact and enjoining the harmony of the neighbors and
people, and a promise was made to protect in the future, suppress all
disturbance and forbid all anonymous placards. If the previous official
had shown the same justice or possessed the same ability, no riot last
winter would have occurred, and no cause existed for appealing to your
excellency and the Peking government. Several points were yielded by me
owing to the great courtesy and friendliness manifested by the present
official and to his assurances for the future. Prior to leaving the city
I exerted myself in behalf of a satisfactory settlement of the Roman
Catholic case, and am led to believe that the settlement of our case
tended to the same result with them. It will be a pleasure to me if you
will transmit to the State Department and the tsung li yamen the above
facts, and to express to the latter body my personal thanks for the
wisdom and energy displayed by the taotai at Chi-nan fu in devising
[Page 71]
a scheme for satisfactory
adjustment and for the fair and honorable action of the local official
at Chi-ning-chow with the two special deputies. I also desire to tender
to your excellency my hearty thanks for the aid that you yourself have
rendered in behalf of our mission at Chi-ning-chow. I will add in a few
days a separate report on the Chi-nan fu case, the settlement of which,
at least so far as property is concerned, now seems possible.
Appreciating your efforts in behalf of American missionaries, I remain,