Mr. Scruggs to Mr.
Legation of
the United States.
Caracas, September 28, 1892.
(Received October 6.)
No. 337.]
Sir: Recurring to the subject of my No. 321, of the
29th ultimo, and of your instruction No. 281, of the 8th instant, I now
inclose, in copy and translation, what purports to be a public disavowal by
the Venezuelan Government of the act of Gen. Urdaneta in forcibly taking the
six passengers from the American merchant steamer Caracas, while in the harbor of Puerto Cabello, on the 17th
Urdaneta is still understood to be at Maracaibo, notwithstanding the report,
current some days ago, that he had fled to Haiti, and it is now reported
here that he will be in Caracas soon.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No.
Clipping from La Opinion Nacional.
States of Venezuela—Ministry of the Interior.
Caracas, September 17,
1892. (29 and 34.)
Resolved, It has become known to this ministry
that on the 17th of August last there were taken from the American mail
steamer Caracas, anchored at Puerto Cabello,
Messrs. Jacinto Lopez, Dr. P. Febres Cordero, Francisco M. Casas,
Antonio Salinas, M. Lopez, and Manuel Ramos, each of whom had passports
duly signed for Curaçao, and as the arrest was executed without orders
from the National Executive, officials in all parts of the Republic are
hereby directed to give to the above-mentioned citizens, wherever they
may find them, every necessary facility to continue on their journey
Let it be known and published.
For the National Executive.