Mr. Newberry to Mr. Foster.

No. 526.]

Sir: Further complaints have been made to me by the American Bible Society concerning the interference of the local authorities at Alachan with their colporteur. I have addressed a second note to the Porte asking for immediate satisfaction, copy of which note you will find inclosed.

I have, etc.,

H. R. Newberry,
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.
[Inclosure in No. 526.]

Mr. Newberry to Said Pasha.

No. 117.]

Excellency: Some four weeks ago his highness the grand vizier solemnly assured me that the colporteur of the American Bible Society of Alachan would not be further molested in the prosecution of his business, as has been the custom heretofore. From advices received this day I am informed that the authorities there still forbid this man to go about his work, and have ever been attempting to induce him to give security that he would not continue selling religious publications. In addition to this, the box of books seized by the authorities is still retained by them. It seems highly desirable, your excellency, that the promises given this legation be promptly carried out.

I take, etc.,

H. R. Newberry,
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.