Mr. Hirsch to Mr. Blaine.

No. 443.]

Sir: This morning I received a telegram from the Stamford Manufacturing Company at Alexandretta, reading as follows:

May 7.

American Legation, Constantinople:

Five soldiers were sent to-day by Caimacam with orders to walk our masons to prison. We have shut them up and refused their delivery. Anxiously awaiting orders,


It being too early for his excellency, the minister of foreign affairs, to be at the Sublime Porte, I called at his residence, communicated the telegram, and renewed my demand of yesterday that immediate steps be taken for the renewal of the building operations which had been forcibly interrupted; and furthermore, inasmuch as the caimacam of Alexandretta seems an unsafe man to be clothed with authority in a place where large American interests are in question, I asked that he be removed from there. His excellency remarked that there might be explanations for the proceedings of the caimacam, to which I replied that no valid explanations could be made for trespass by soldiers and for violation of American domicile.

His excellency promised early action, which I demanded must be had to day.

I have just telegraphed to Alexandretta as follows:

Stamford Manufacturing Company, Alexandretta:

Permit no trespass. Keep legation informed.


I have, etc.,

Solomon Hirsch.