Mr. Egan to Mr.
Legation of
the United States,
Santiago, July 7, 1892.
(Received August 11.)
No. 320.]
Sir: I beg to refer to my No. 319 of 2d instant,
inclosing copy of my note addressed to the minister of foreign relations on
the subject of the repeated attacks made by a section of the Chilean press
upon the honor of Admiral Brown and other officers of the U. S. Navy, and
now inclose translation of the reply of the minister thereto.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No.
Señor Errazuriz to
Mr. Egan.
Department of Foreign Relations,
Santiago, July 6,
Sir: I have had the honor to receive the
communication of your excellency dated 2d instant, in which, after
repeating that stated by your excellency to this department on a former
occasion with reference to certain comments made by the press on
[Page 62]
the conduct observed by Admiral
Brown during the disembarkation of the constitutional forces at
Quinteros, your excellency incloses a printed cutting in which the
ex-governor of Quillota under the Balmaceda administration explains the
manner in which the knowledge of the disembarkation of the said forces
reached the authorities.
I have taken careful note of the dispatch of your excellency, which I
have read with marked interest, and in acknowledging the receipt of it
to your excellency I am glad to avail, etc.,