Mr. Strobel to Mr. Bayard.
Madrid, September 30, 1887. (Received October 15.)
Sir: I had yesterday my first interview with the minister of state since his return to Madrid, and, of course, referred to the treatment of the American missions in the Caroline Islands, about which I had already addressed him a note, as reported in my No. 217 of the 10th instant. I took occasion during the conversation to state, as suggested in the last paragraph of the Department’s No. 217 of the 2d instant, that the Government of the United States would be much gratified to hear that such dispositions had been made in respect of the future government of the islands as would, from the high character of the incumbents, preclude the recurrence of similar unfortunate incidents, so fraught with danger to the best interests of both countries.
The minister replied that the conduct of Capt. Pasadillo, the governor of Ponape, had caused him great regret, and that he had originally opposed the appointment of that officer to the post. He expressed himself as much gratified at the release of Mr. Doane by the authorities of Manila, and in reply to my intimation as to the future government of the islands, he said that he would do all in his power to see that it was improved. He hoped in a few days to be able to send an answer to my note of the 19th on the subject, and that I might be sure that he “would do what was right in the matter.”
I can only say that the verbal assurances of Señor Moret were as earnest as could be desired.
The last reports published here state that there has been an insurrection of the natives of Ponape on account of the arrest of Mr. Doane, and that Pasadillo, the governor, and several others, have been killed. [Page 407] About this the Government do not as yet seem to have any definite information.
The newspapers here have commented freely upon the arrest of Mr. Doane and the other events in the Carolines connected therewith, and have, almost without exception, supported the missionaries and condemned the conduct of the Spanish officials.
I have, etc.,
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.