Mr. Phelps to Mr. Foster.
Legation of
the United States,
Berlin, September 22, 1892. (Received October 6.)
No. 487.]Berlin, September 22, 1892. (Received October 6.)
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of the Department’s instruction No. 465, of the 5th instant.
I presume that soon after this instruction was sent the Department received my dispatch of the 28th of August, No. 477. It will be seen from the note of the foreign office which I inclosed in it that the foreign office preferred not to discuss the subject in question with me, and said it would instruct its chargé d’affaires to give a detailed answer in Washington, where all negotiations up to this time have been carried on.
I have, etc.,
Wm. Walter Phelps.