Mr. Blaine to Señor Guirola.
Washington, February 9, 1891.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 3d instant, in which you inclose an extract from the New York Tribune of the 29th ultimo, suggesting, at least, that one or more persons in New York may be engaged in an attempt to disturb the peace in portions of Central America.
It is proper to suggest to you that due complaint should be made under oath in such a case by some one having knowledge or belief of the acts alleged, in order to set on foot the necessary proceedings.
[Page 86]I have apprised the Attorney-General and the Secretary of the Treasury of the contents of your note, and have invoked the issuance of such instructions to their officers as appear to be called for in the premises, and have particularly asked that the consul of Salvador at New York or other person concerned may be assisted in respect of preparing the desired affidavit.
Accept, etc.,