Marquis Imperiali to Mr. Blaine.

Mr. Secretary of State: You were pleased to inform me, by your note of to-day, that the Federal Government has decided to pay to Italy, by way of idemnity, the sum of 125,000 francs, which will be distributed by the Italian Government among the families of the royal subjects who were victims of the massacre which took place March 14, 1891, in the city of New Orleans. Your excellency also expresses the hope that the decision reached by the President will put an end to the unfortunate incident to which that deplorable occurrence gave rise, and that the relations between the two countries will be firmly reëstablished.

After having taken note, with much pleasure, of the language used by the President in his message of December last, and after having fully appreciated the words of regret and censure uttered with so much authority by the Chief Magistrate of the Republic, and likewise the recommendations that were suggested by the lamentable incident to his lofty wisdom, His Majesty’s Government is now happy to learn that the United States acknowledge that it is their solemn duty, and at the same time a great pleasure, to pay an idemnity to Italy.

The King’s Government does not hesitate to accept this idemnity without prejudice to the judicial steps which it may be proper for the parties to take, and, considering the redress obtained sufficient, it sees no reason why the relations between the two Governments, which relations should faithfully reflect the sentiments of reciprocal esteem and sympathy that animate the two nations, should not again become intimate and cordial, as they have traditionally been in the past and as it is to be hoped they will ever be in the future.

In bringing the foregoing to your knowledge, in virtue of the authorization given me by his excellency the Marquis di Rudini, president of the council, minister of foreign affairs, in the name of the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy, my August Sovereign, I have the honor to declare to your excellency that the diplomatic relations between Italy and the United States are from this moment fully reëstablished.

I hasten, moreover, in obedience to instructions received, to inform you that, pending the minister’s return to this capital, I have taken charge of the royal legation in the capacity of chargé d’affaires.

Be pleased to accept, etc.
