Mr. Blaine to Baron Fava.


My Dear Baron Fava: In compliance with the request contained in your personal note of the 18th ultimo, a communication was addressed to the governor of Louisiana, with a request that the charges of maltreatment of Italian subjects confined in jail in New Orleans on the [Page 663] charge of being parties to the assassination of the late chief of police of that city might be investigated.

The reply of the governor, which bears date the 2d instant, was received on the 6th. It states that the letter written by the Italian consul to the foreman of the grand jury received due consideration from that body, and that an investigation has taken place, which has resulted in the finding of indictments against two persons for their conduct in relation to the prisoners in the parish jail. In due time these cases will be brought to trial and justice meted out.

It is proper to say that, while the acts complained of were, in this particular instance, committed against Italian subjects, the governor of Louisiana states that the nationality of the prisoners was not the exciting cause of the alleged maltreatment, and it is thought that the action taken against the two responsible parties will prevent any further misconduct.

Very truly yours,

James G. Blaine.