Mr. Blaine to Mr. Douglass.

No. 99.]

Sir: I have received your No. 127, of the 9th instant, reporting a further conversation between Rear-Admiral Gherardi, yourself, and Mr. Firmin in regard to the discrimination against sailing vessels engaged in the Haitian trade by detaining them in the ports of Haiti until the customs duties on their cargoes are paid by the consignees.

Referring to my previous instructions, I have to approve your insistence on the hardships involved in this complaint and the necessity of a remedy.

You are right in holding that the goods should be sufficient security for the payment of duties, and this is especially true of cargoes not consigned but seeking a market. If they are landed they must necessarily be sold or offered for sale by some responsible agency of the owners of the goods.

I am, etc.,

James G. Blaine.