Mr. Blaine to Sir Julian Pauncefote.
Washington, April 20, 1892.
Sir: I have the honor to apprise you that the advice and consent of the Senate has been given to the convention signed in this city on February 29, 1892, between the United States and Great Britain, submitting to arbitration the questions which have arisen between those two Governments in the waters of the Behring Sea, with the following amendments:
Add to the first clause of the first article these words: “And the selecting powers shall be requested to choose, if possible, jurists who are acquainted with the English language.”
In article 3, substitute “four months” in place of “three months.”
If you will have the kindness to ascertain whether the convention, as amended by the Senate, is acceptable to Her Majesty’s Government, I shall be prepared to exchange with you here, if agreeable to Her Majesty’s Government, the ratifications of the convention aforesaid at an early date.
I have, etc.,