Mr. Blaine to Sir Julian Pauncefote.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 80th ultimo, in which you refer to the settlement which has been reached in completion of the details of the Behring Sea arbitration, and inquire [Page 608] whether I am prepared to proceed at once to the preparation and signature of the formal arbitration convention and of the joint-commission agreement, in accordance with the text of the articles to be inserted therein which was signed by us on the 18th of December last.

In reply I have the pleasure to hand you a copy of the text of the arbitration convention, including the text of the joint-commission agreement, as agreed upon in conferences held since the 30th ultimo, and I am instructed by the President to say that I hold myself in readiness to meet you forthwith, in order that we may at once proceed to the signature of said convention.

I have, etc.,

James G. Blaine.