Mr. Wharton to Sir Julian Pauncefote.

Sir: In accordance with the request contained in your note of the 21st instant, I have the honor to transmit to you herewith a letter addressed by the Acting Secretary of the Treasury to William H, Williams, [Page 576] esq., special agent in charge of the seal fisheries in Alaska, instructing him to afford to Sir George Baden-Powell, M. P., and Prof. George Mercer Dawson, agents of her Britannic Majesty to the Pribyloff Islands, the facilities desired to enable them to examine into the fur-seal fisheries in Behring Sea.

I have, etc.,

William F. Wharton,
Acting Secretary.

Mr. Spaulding to Mr. Williams.

Sir: The fourth section of the modus vivendi, respecting the fur-seal fisheries in Behring Sea, concluded on the 15th instant, provides as follows:

“In order to facilitate such proper inquiries as Her Majesty’s Government may desire to make, with a view of the presentation of the case of that Government before arbitrators, and in expectation that an agreement for arbitration may be arrived at, it is agreed that suitable persons designated by Great Britain will be permitted at any time, upon application, to visit or to remain upon the seal islands during the present sealing season for that purpose.”

As it appears from a communication, dated the 23d instant, from the honorable the Secretary of State that Sir George Baden-Powell, M. P., and Prof. George Mercer Dawson have been appointed commissioners on behalf of her Britannic Majesty to proceed to the Pribyloff Islands for the purpose of examining into the fur-seal fisheries in Behring Sea, and that the British minister at this capital has requested that the necessary permission may be granted to the above-named gentlemen to visit and remain on the islands in question during the current fishing season, you are directed to afford Sir George Baden-Powell, M. P., and Prof. George Mercer Dawson every facility to enable them to accomplish the object of their mission.

Respectfully, yours,

O. L. Spaulding,
Acting Secretary.