Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Blaine.

Dear Mr. Blaine: I informed Lord Salisbury in a private letter of your alternative suggestion for a modus vivendi pending the result of the Behring Sea arbitration, namely, to stop all sealing, both at sea and on land. Lord Salisbury seems to approve of that alternative, and he asks me whether, in case Her Majesty’s Government should accept it, you would prefer that the proposal should come from them. I thought you would like to know Lord Salisbury’s view of your proposal as early as possible, and that must be my excuse for troubling you with this letter during your repose at Virginia Beach.

May I ask you to be so good as to let me know, as soon as you conveniently can do so, what answer you would wish me to return to Lord Salisbury’s inquiry.

Hoping that you have already benefited by the change of air,

I remain, etc.,

Julian Pauncefote.