Mr. Wharton to Count von Arco Valley.
Washington, June 15, 1891.
Sir: I inclose herewith for your information a copy of the act of the Congress of the United States, approved March 3 last, and the regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture, dated March 25, in execution of the law providing for the inspection of live cattle, hogs, and carcasses and products of these animals intended for interstate commerce and for exportation to foreign countries.
It will be seen that under the provisions of the law this inspection for the commerce stated is made compulsory and of universal application [Page 528] throughout the whole territory of the United States. It is also to be noted that not only is this inspection to be made of the live animals before they are slaughtered, but that a careful post-mortem inspection with microscopic examination is to be enforced immediately after slaughtering.
Not only is provision made for the proper disposition of all animals and their carcasses found upon such inspection to be diseased or unfit for food, but the products which have passed inspection are carefully marked and identified through all stages of preparation for, and shipment to, market.
I am requested by the Secretary of Agriculture to state to you that the above-mentioned microscopic inspection is now in operation in one of the most important centers of pork-packing operations in this country, and will be generally applied as speedily as possible, and that he will be pleased to extend to any representatives of your Government all necessary facilities for free and thorough examination of the manner in which this inspection is being enforced. He also desires to have you informed that pork products inspected in conformity to the said law and regulations will be properly cured and ready for shipment abroad on or before the 1st of September next.
I am directed by the President to say that he confidently hopes that, in view of this inspection made under the direction and at the expense of the Government of the United States, the German Imperial Government will no longer exclude this important product of the United States from the markets of the German Empire.
Accept, etc.,
Acting Secretary.