Mr. Tsui to Mr. Wharton .

Sir: Referring to the note which I sent to you yesterday, I beg to state that my object in asking a copy of Minister Denby’s cablegram, respecting the reported troubles in China, was for the purpose of telegraphing to my Government more accurately the localities where riots were feared by him.

I have now the honor to inform you that, not having received a response to my note, and fearing that further delay might not be prudent, I have this morning sent by telegraph a message to the tsung-li yamên, expressing the anxiety your Government feels on account of the news received from Minister Denby, and your desire that measures should be taken for the protection of American residents in the locality named in Minister Denby’s telegram.

Should you see proper to give me detailed information as to the localities and facts mentioned in Minister Denby’s telegram, I shall take great pleasure in further confirming my telegram of this morning by sending the additional details to the tsung-li yamên.

Accept, etc.,

Tsui Kwo Yin.