Mr. Blaine to Mr. Pung.

Sir: I have the honor and pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 9th instant, in which you courteously inform me of the intelligence which has been communicated to you by cable, that all the foreign ministers at Peking had audience of His Imperial Majesty on the 5th instant, and were banqueted on the following day, March 6, with observance of the appropriate ceremonial on both these pleasing occasions. A telegram has been received from the minister of the United States at Peking to the same effect.

Awaiting the report which Mr. Denby will make of this auspicious event, I take this opportunity to express the deep gratification it gives this Government to behold this signal proof of the good will of China toward the states with which the Empire is associated in the great family of nations, and of the purpose of His Imperial Majesty’s Government to cultivate the courteous amenities of intercourse whereby the friendly relationship is shown and fostered.

Accept, etc.,

James G. Blaine.