Mr. Blaine to Mr. Bendy.
Washington, February 10, 1891.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 1215, of the 15th of December last, touching the audience to be given to foreign ministers at Peking in February, 1891.
The concession of audience in principle is a gratifying proof of China’s desire to conform to the ordinary amenities of intercourse between equal and sovereign states.
Whether the formalities to be observed, which are vaguely described as similar to “that had in the twelfth year of the reign of Tung Chih,” will involve any unbecoming conditions can not be determined without further information. A recent press telegram indicates that the formality prescribed is found objectionable and derogatory to the dignity of the foreign envoys and the governments they represent. Your further report is awaited with interest.
I have, etc.,