Señor Lazcano to Mr. Wharton.


Mr. Secretary: The Chilean South American Steamship Company has addressed me, as the envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Republic of Chile in the United States, requesting me to inform this Government that” the steamer Itata belongs to that company, from which it was taken without its consent and by force by [Page 322] the Chilean revolutionists, which circumstance has in nowise affected the legitimate rights of the said company to the steamer ltata.

It further informs me that these declarations have been transmitted to the Department of State by telegraph by the United States minister at Santiago and by the United States consul-general at Valparaiso.

I shall be greatly obliged to your excellency if you will have the kindness to communicate the declarations in question of the Chilean South American Steamship Company to the court which is to try the case of the ltata.

With sentiments of high consideration, I have, etc.,

Prudencio Lazcano.