Señor Errazuriz to Mr. Blaine.


The Itata arrived here, bringing 5,000 rifles and ammunition transshipped from the Robert and Minnie, opposite the uninhabited isles San Clemente, at 40 miles off the coast, and after the Itata’s departure from San Diego. Complying with my written promise, said steamer, along with the arms and crew, has been placed under the charge of the Rear-Admiral McCann, and is at present getting ready to return to San Diego. Allow me, however, to state that this fact, in conformity with the stipulated agreement, hurts the spirit which guided us in this affair, it having been based on the violation of the law by the Itata, taking it for granted that the steamer had shipped the arms and ammunition at the port of San Diego. It is now certain that the said arms and ammunition were taken on board far off from the coast and opposite uninhabited isles after its departure from San Diego, and I therefore request your excellency, invoking feelings of justice and humanity, that the arms and ammunition be left here under the charge of the Rear-Admiral McCann until the final result of the lawsuit initiated in California, returning in the meantime the Itata to San Diego.

Secretary of Foreign Affairs.