Mr. Blaine to Mr. Egan.


By direction of the President, Mr. Blaine instructs Mr. Egan that great pleasure has been given to the people of the United States and to the Executive Department by the receipt of Señor Pereira’s telegraphic reply of the 25th of January. He says that it has been communicated to Congress; that the correspondence between the two Republics will be restored to a basis of cordiality; that in the President’s belief, it will be easy to reach a full and honorable adjustment of all unsettled [Page 313] matters; that the regret for, and condemnation of, the assault on the sailors of the Baltimore expressed by Mr. Pereira are gratifying to the President, who presents to the Chilean Government his congratulations upon the frank and ample withdrawal of Señor Malta’s telegraphic instructions and upon the spirit of justice displayed toward Mr. Egan. He instructs Mr. Egan to give assurances of the President’s readiness to meet the friendly overtures of the Chilean Government in the most generous spirit, and adds that the President will not engage at present in a discussion of the methods suggested by Señor Pereira in the matter of the reparation to be made for the assault upon the American sailors, because he believes that the usual diplomatic course is now available to that end, and because he has no doubt that the whole matter will soon be brought to a final and honorable conclusion under the sense of justice evinced by Chile.