Mr. Grant to Mr. Blaine.

No. 213.]

Sir: Upon November 10 last I bad the honor to report to you, by telegram, that I had received official information to the effect that the cabinets of both Austria and Hungary had agreed to repeal the ordinance which prohibited the admission of American hog products into this Monarchy.

Since sending to you my telegram of November 10 I have made it my special duty to visit the foreign office as frequently as possible, where I used earnestly whatever influence could be brought to bear to hasten the promulgation of the rescinding decree. During each interview, when I was always received with the greatest cordiality at the foreign office, I had arguments more or less extended upon this subject with the ministers, the general purport of which I have already reported to the Department; and yesterday I had the honor and gratification to telegraph you, Mr. Secretary, that the decree had been officially promulgated which admits American pork products into the Monarchy of Austria-Hungary 5 and I herewith inclose a translated copy of this decree and the note with which it was transmitted to this legation (Nos. 1 and 2).

The promulgation of this decree admitting American pork products into Austria-Hungary may justly be considered as a great triumph for the United States Government.

I congratulate the President and you, Mr. Secretary, upon the success which you both have gained in this decree from Austria-Hungary, which opens a market to the value of $25,000,000 a year for one of America’s staple products, not an insignificant “Christmas greeting “from the administration at Washington to the seven millions of farmers in the United States.

Trusting that my actions in the negotiation for this decree may meet with your approval,

I have, etc.,

F. D. Grant.
[Inclosure No. 1 in No. 213.—Translation.]

Mr. Glauz to Mr. Grant.

Sir: In the esteemed note of the 17th of October last (No. 96), the honorable envoy of the United States of America was pleased to convey the desire, expressed by his Government, that the ordinance of 1881, against the importation of hogs, hogs’ meat of all kinds, bacon, and sausages, into Austria-Hungary be repealed.

After the honorable envoy of the United States had already been informed verbally and confidentially that the respective ministers had given their moral support to the repeal of the prohibitory ordinance in question, the imperial and royal ministry of foreign affairs now has the honor to transmit to the honorable envoy of the United States a copy of the ordinance by which the measure taken for sanitary reasons against the importation of pork products is repealed after December 4, 1891.

The undersigned avails himself of this occasion to renew to the honorable envoy of the United States the assurance of his most distinguished consideration.

For the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
[Page 32]
[Inclosure No. 2 in No. 213.—Translation.]


The ministries of the interior, of commerce, of finances, and of agriculture, under date of the 4th of December, 1891, concerning the importation of hogs, hogs’ meat, bacon, and of sausages from the United States of America.

After consultation with the Royal Hungarian Government, the ordinance of March 10, 1881, R. G. B., No. 18, is repealed, and the importation of hogs, hogs’ meat of all kinds, of bacon, and of sausages of every description from the United States of America into the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy is permitted, provided that an official certificate is produced setting forth the fact that the examination prescribed by the laws of the United States shows that they are of healthy and perfectly sound condition.

The laws and regulations relating to the supervision of the traffic in the above-mentioned articles remain intact.

The ordinance will take effect on the day of its publication.

  • Taaffe.
  • Falkenhayn.
  • Bacquehem.
  • Steinbach.