Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine.

No. 230.]

Sir: Inclosed I have the honor to hand copy of a further note, received from the minister of foreign relations under date of 9th instant? conveying the request of the judge of crime in Valparaiso for information which he desires to obtain in relation to the occurrence with the sailors of the Baltimore on 16th October.

I have not yet replied to this note, as I am awaiting from Capt. Schley copies of a correspondence which he has had with the intendente of Valparaiso on same matter.

I have, etc.,

Patrick Egan.
[Inclosure in No. 230.—Translation.]

Señor Malta to Mr. Egan.

Sir: The judge who is charged with the preparations of the sumario in order to investigate the culpability and the culprits in connection with the disorders which occurred on the 16th October ultimo, has found in the prosecution of the investigation that it was necessary, in order to obtain all the facts possible conducing to the establishment of the truth, to request those which are in the possession of the commander of the Baltimore and of the consul of the United States of North America in Valparaiso.

According to the reports of the judge to the secretary of state in the department of justice, those having been requested by the intendente of Valparaiso, the said commander and consul excused themselves from giving any fact whatever, “on account of having brought the matter to the knowledge of Mr. Patrick Egan, minister plenipotentiary of the United States in Santiago by order of his Government.”

The commander adds “that Mr. Egan can supply, on receiving application, a list of names of persons who in their turn can give the names of several others who saw the death of the sailor Riggin and the wounding of various others of the crew of the cruiser.”

Such are with the reservations of the case with respect to that which may be considered as affecting the Chilean jurisdiction by certain methods of proceeding and the words in which they are expressed, the points upon which this department of foreign relations desires that, in giving the necessary testimony and conducing to the clearing up of the facts and the investigation of the culprits, the honorable envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States may be good enough to give information, contributing thus to discover the truth regarding the facts which occurred in the fight of 16th October ultimo.

The delay in the prosecution of the sumario has reached already to several days, on account of the excuse on behalf of the sailors of the Baltimore to appear before the judge, and now it will be prolonged so much longer as may be delayed the testimony called for by the judge and which, as it appears, is necessary to continue and complete his investigation.

Without prolonging this note by reflections and considerations upon what may be the rules and obligations of the judge in matters of investigation of facts and evildoers, like those of 16th October, the undersigned calls the attention of the honorable minister plenipotentiary to the necessity, not alone for acceleration, but also for the completion of the sumario, that there may arrive at this department his important testimony in order that it may be transmitted to the respective tribunal immediately.

Awaiting the reply and reiterating to your excellency the expression, etc.,

M. A. Matta.