Mr. Grant to Mr. Blaine.

No. 184.]

Sir: I have the honor to forward herewith, for the information of the Department of State at Washington, the inclosed correspondence relating to the case of Mr. Julius Kranz, a naturalized citizen of the United States, of Galician birth, who, while making a visit to his native town, Wicliczka, was deprived by the local authorities there of his naturalization certificate and passport, and who was ordered to appear on August 4 before the board of enrollment for examination for military duty in this Monarchy.

The case of Mr. Julius Kranz resembles very much that of Mr. Alfred Janowitz, which was reported in my dispatch No. 183, under date of August 18 last. Through the interference of this legation in behalf of Mr. Kranz by calling the attention of the minister of foreign affairs to his case, he has been relieved from all liability to military duty, his papers returned to him, and he has been permitted peacefully to continue his visit to his parents.

Trusting that my action in this case may meet with your approval,

I have, etc.,

F. D. Grant.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 184.]

Mr. Kranz to Mr. Grant.


Julius Kranz, United States citizen, passport No. 30838, of June 30, 1891, was arrested by gens d’armes on the occasion of a visit he paid to his parents residing here, his documents taken from him, and he was not set free before he had given bail and agreed to appear before a board of examination on August 4, 1891. Requests speedy and active assistance and telegraphic orders for return of documents and bail, as well as revokement of order to appear before the board of enrollment on August 4.

Julius Kranz.
[Page 27]
[Inclosure 2 in No. 184.]

Mr. Grant to Mr. Kranz.


Comply with order to appear before enrollment board. Will move in your interest at once with Government. Send me written particulars of your case, with passport and naturalization paper.

American Minister.
[Inclosure 3 in No. 184.—Translation.]

Mr. Kranz to Mr. Grant.

I acknowledge with many thanks the receipt of a telegram addressed to my son, from the contents of which I infer that you have acted in my son’s behalf. He himself is prevented from writing because the irritation produced by his arrest and the long examination of the authorities have so affected his health that he followed the advice of a physician and went to a watering place in Germany. The shock to his system was the greater, as he was accustomed, as a free citizen of the United States, to meet with a more conciliatory and affable treatment on the part of the authorities.

I inclose herewith my son’s American passport, obtained from the district captaincy after repeated requests, which, after examination, I would beg you to return to me.

I must finally beg your pardon for writing this letter in German, as I am unable to express myself in English, and my son has been absolutely forbidden by his physician to expose himself to any excitement.

I hope that you will grant the request made by the afflicted parents, who, after a separation of nineteen years, were only allowed to see their son for a few hours, and to intercede with well-known energy, in order that justice may be done.

I am, etc.,

Salomon Kranz.
[Inclosure 4 in No. 184.]

Mr. Grant to Mr. Kranz.

Sir: Your letter dated 29th instant, inclosing passport of your son Julius is received. I have made notes of the passport and return it herewith. It is desirable that you forward to me immediately your son’s naturalization certificate, and also inform me of the place and date of his birth, date of emigration to the United States, date of return to his native country, and the object he had in returning, as well as the date of his intended return to the United States.

I have called at the imperial and royal ministry of foreign affairs, and one of the officers there promised to telegraph to Wicliczka and inquire of the authorities there their reasons for detaining your son.

Trusting that you will communicate the foregoing to your son at your earliest convenience,

I am, etc.,

F. D. Grant.
[Inclosure 5 in No. 184—Translation.]

Mr. Kranz to Mr. Grant.

It is not until to-day that my repeated requests made at the district captaincy here for my son’s naturalization certificate have been granted, and I herewith inclose it, in conformity with the contents of your note, in which you also inform me of the intervention of the ministry of foreign affairs.

[Page 28]

The bail deposited by me has been returned to me. I would ask to have the naturalization certificate returned to me after you have examined it.

After having recovered his health my son intends to stay here two weeks and then return home to New Orleans.

Rendering to you my sincerest thanks for the prompt and kind protection offered, and assuring you of my highest respect,

I am, etc.,

Salomon Kranz.
[Inclosure 6 in No. 184.]

Mr. Grant to Mr. Kranz.

Sir: Your letter dated 4th instant, inclosing your son’s naturalization certificate, was duly received, and I return the same herewith after having taken the notes necessary for a proper understanding of the case should further action be required.

Very respectfully, yours,

F. D. Grant.
[Inclosure 7 in No. 184.—Translation.]

Count Welsersheimb to Mr. Grant.

Acting upon the verbal representations recently made by the envoy of the United States, Hon. F. D. Grant, relative to Julius Kranz, in Wicliczka, a citizen of the United States, and the summons he had received to appear before a military board of enrollment, the imperial and royal ministry of foreign affairs has placed itself in communication with the competent authorities and is now in a position to report that, in view of the fact that the above named has produced evidence of American citizenship, he is restored to full liberty.

The undersigned avails himself, etc.,

For the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
[Inclosure 8 in No. 184.]

Mr. Grant to Mr. Kranz.

Sir: I take pleasure in informing you that I received this morning a communication from the imperial and royal ministry of foreign affairs in this city, saying in substance that, acting upon the representations made by the United States minister, the foreign office had made inquiries of the competent authorities relative to the summons sent to Julius Kranz to appear before a military board, and that it is now in a position to report that, in view of the fact that the above named has produced evidence of American citizenship, he is restored to full liberty.

With the assurance of my sincere satisfaction of the final result of my intervention,

I am, etc.,

F. D. Grant.
[Inclosure 9 in No. 184.]

Mr. Kranz to Mr. Grant.

My Dear Sir: Your kind favor of the 12th instant duly received, for which accept my sincere thanks for your immediate action in my case.

I remain, etc.,

J. Kranz.