Mr. Wharton to Mr. Mizner.


Mr. Wharton telegraphs Mr. Ryan that, upon informing himself that the Mexican Government appreciates our position in the matter of the tender of friendly offices for the restoration of peace between Salvador and Guatemala, and that it is aware that our instructions to Mr. Mizner to tender the good offices of this Government were first sent to him on the 20th of July, before the offer of Mexico was known to us, he will, on behalf of the Department, telegraph Mr. Mizner that this Government is glad to welcome Mexico’s friendly disposition to act in concurrence with us in tendering good offices for the restoration of peace between the two Central American States upon the basis of equal respect for the autonomous sovereignty of all the states concerned. That Mr. Mizner should confer with the Mexican minister in Guatemala that the efforts of both may tend to the common object so earnestly wished for by the Governments of both. That while his instructions must not be taken as contemplative of joint action of the foreign ministers at Guatemala City, the good will of the diplomatic corps directed to the same end would be regarded as a valuable aid toward the settlement of the difficulties without dictation or interference with any of the rights of autonomous government in Central America.