Mr. Grip to Mr. Wharton.
Washington, August 26, 1890. (Received August 29.)
Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 21st instant, inclosing me a copy of the order of the day of the Secretary of the Navy of the 18th instant, relative to a salute to be fired in honor of the Swedish flag on the occasion of the embarkation of the remains of John Ericsson. I beg that Your Excellency will have the kindness to transmit to the proper authority the expression of my profound gratitude for this testimonial which the Secretary of the Navy has so courteously rendered to the flag of the country which I have the honor to represent here.
I avail myself, also, of this occasion to express my thanks to Your Excellency for having, in response to my telegram of the 22d instant, caused the order to be given for the disembarking of the remains of John Ericsson at Gothenburg, where the authorities have already received orders for its reception.
Be pleased to accept, etc.,