Mr. Thomas to Mr. Blaine.

No. 80.]

Sir: Referring to jour instruction No. 38 of May 15 and my dispatches No. 60 of June 2 and No. 66 of July 7, I have now the honor to inform you that on October 3, 1890, the King of Sweden and Norway named Otto Conrad Waldemar Cedercrantz, a Swedish subject and associate justice of the Swedish court of appeals, to be chief justice of Samoa, in accordance with the provisions of article iii of the treaty of Berlin.

I have also the honor to inclose herewith a copy of the note of Count Lewenhaupt, minister of foreign affairs, informing me of this nomination, and a copy of a translation of the commission of Judge Cedercrantz as chief justice of Samoa, granted by the King.

I have, etc.,

W. W. Thomas, Jr.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 80.—Translation.]

Count Lewenhaupt to Mr. Thomas.

Mr. Minister: In toe note which you addressed to me on the 2d of last June, you requested that in virtue of article iii, section 2, of the general act signed at Berlin on June 14, 1889, between the plenipotentiaries of the United States of America, Germany, and Great Britain, with a view to preserve the neutrality and autonomy of the islands of Samoa, His Majesty the King, my august sovereign, would be pleased to name a person for the post of chief justice of those islands.

The minister of Her Britannic Majesty and the chargé d’affaires of Germany addressed me on the same date similar notes.

In response to a communication from this ministry that the King had chosen for this post Mr. O. C. W. Cedercrantz, you addressed to me another note of date of the 19th September, informing me that this choice would be agreeable to your Government, and a similar notification was also made by the representatives of Germany and Great Britain.

[Page 714]

I have now the honor to inform you that His Majesty the King has nominated for the post of chief justice of the islands of Samoa Mr. Otto Conrad Waldemar Cedercrantz, doctor at law and associate justice of the court of appeals of Sweden.

In inclosing herewith a translation of the act by which the King has nominated Mr. Cedercrantz to the post in question, I beg that you will give notice thereof to your Government, advising it at the same time that identic notes have been addressed to the representatives of Germany and Great Britain near this court.

Accept, etc.,


Commission of Judge Cedercrantz as chief justice of Samoa.

We, Oscar II, by the grace of God King of Sweden and Norway and of the Goths and Vandals, hereby give notice that His Majesty the Emperor of Germany and King of Prussia, the President of the United States of America, and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, having, in virtue of an act concerning the neutrality and independence of the islands of Samoa, signed at Berlin on the 14th day of June, 1889, by their Governments, requested through their representatives accredited at our court that we would be pleased to designate a chief justice for the islands of Samoa: Now, therefore, we, agreeably to the wish which they have expressed to us, have named and authorized, as by these present full powers we do authorize and name, the Sieur Otto Conrad Waldemar Cedercrantz doctor at law and associate justice of our court of appeals of Sweden, etc., to be chief justice of the islands of Samoa. In testimony whereof we have signed these presents with our own hand and have Affixed our seal royal. Done at the Chateau of Stockholm this third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety.

[l. s.]

C. Lewenhaupt.