Mr. Ryan to Mr. Blaine.

No. 264.]

Sir: Referring to instruction No. 103 of October 9, 1889, I have the honor to advise the Department that, pursuant to arrangement, the Mexican minister of foreign affairs and myself had a conference on Thursday, the 13th ultimo, with the object of adjusting the damages resulting from an incursion of Mexican soldiers into Eagle Pass, Tex., on the 4th of March, 1888, but found it impracticable to reach an agreement touching the damages sustained by Shadrack White, United States deputy sheriff, Mr. Mariscal professing to have satisfactory proof that the claimant’s wounds did not result in any permanent incapacity whatever, whereas the medical and other testimony presented by Mr. White established the existence of permanent disability of one hand from a gunshot wound received on that occasion while in the performance of his official duty. It was agreed, subject to approval by the State Department, that each Government should select a competent surgeon of high character to examine and report upon the character and extent of the claimant’s injuries, and, failing to agree, the two surgeons so chosen to select another competent surgeon to make such examination and report; the report of the two originally designated by the two Governments, should they agree, to be conclusive as to the character and extent of such injuries; otherwise the report of the surgeon chosen by them to be of like effect.

I beg to advise that, through Mr. E. O. Fechét, our consul at Piedras Negras, I engaged, without compensation, Dr. Paul Clendenin, assistant surgeon, U. S. Army, Fort Duncan, Eagle Pass, Tex., to acon the part of the United States, to whom I have addressed instructtions in accordance with the agreement mentioned.

I am, etc.,

Thos. Ryan.