Mr. Ryan to Mr. Blaine.

No. 186.]

Sir: Referring you to my No. 184 of the 7th instant, I have the honor to inclose note (copy and translation) from Mr. Mariscal advising this legation that he had requested additional information in the case of Captain Stilphen of the schooner Robert Ruff.

I am, etc.,

Thos. Ryan.
[Inclosure in No. 186.—Translation.]

Mr. Mariscal to Mr. Ryan.

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency’s note, dated the 7th instant, wherein you were pleased to state, with reference to my unofficial communication of the 25th ultimo to Mr. Whitehouse touching the arrest of Captain Stilphen, of the American schooner Robert Ruff, that, by reason of certain views which you clearly expressed to me, you did not doubt that the Mexican Government would conform to them and take appropriate action without delay, if not already taken.

As these views seemed based upon information already embodied in the memorandum of Mr. Whitehouse, and do not accord with the particulars of the case that are on file in this department, I have this day requested further information touching the data in my possession, and will duly have the satisfaction of communicating to Your Excellency the result of my inquiries.

It gratifies me to reiterate, etc.,

Igno. Mariscal.