Mr. Blaine to Mr. Porter.
Washington, November 26, 1890.
Str: I have received your No. 134 of the 7th instant, reporting your conversation with Mr. Damiani in regard to the case of Nicolino Mileo, from which it appears that the Department misunderstood an ambiguous [Page 554] passage in Mr. Dougherty’s translation in his No. 114 of September 1 last ot Mr. Damiani’s note.
On reëxamination it is found that the passage is capable of the interpretation that the sentence to 1 month’s imprisonment for renitenza, was not to take effect until the expiration of the term of Mileo’s active service should have entitled him to unlimited leave.
So much of the Department’s instruction No. 79 of September 19 last as rests on this erroneous impression may be deemed canceled.
I inclose a copy of Mr. Dougherty’s translation* of Mr. Damiani’s note of August 22, last.
I am, etc.,