Mr. Lincoln to Mr. Blaine.

No. 267.]

Sir: I have the honor to acquaint you that, having received on the 20th instant your telegraphic instruction, I requested Señor Pulido to meet me with a view to suggesting his presentation at a time when I could say he was prepared to present to Her Majesty’s Government the reply to the recent note to Señor Urbaneja.

Señor Pulido called upon me on Saturday, the 21st instant, and informed me that on the previous day he had formally notified Sir Thomas Sanderson, assistant undersecretary of state for foreign affairs (by whom the note to Señor Urbaneja was signed), of his mission and requested an appointment to present his credentials and the response of Venezuela. He was, however, still desirous that I should arrange to present him to Lord Salisbury, and I accordingly, at an interview yesterday, stated to His Lordship the substance of your instruction. He replied that Señor Pulido was already in negotiation with Sir Thomas Sanderson, but that it would be quite agreeable to have me present Señor Pulido to himself; and it was therefore arranged that I should do so to-day.

In pursuance of the appointment made, I therefore made the presentation to-day. The interview was brief, and the conversation between Lord Salisbury and Señor Pulido referred only in general terms to the pending controversy, the hope being expressed by both in the most courteous manner that some satisfactory arrangement would soon be reached. [Page 342] With the understanding that Señor Pulido should continue his negotiations with Sir Thomas Sanderson, the interview terminated.

Señor Pulido expressed to me his warm gratification upon my official action with respect to himself.

I have, etc.,

Robert T. Lincoln.