Mr. Lincoln to Mr. Blaine.
London, March 28, 1890. (Received April 8.)
Sir: I have the honor to invite your attention to the inclosed copy of a paper issued by the executive of the State of Minnesota, presented at this legation to-day by Mr. Louis Wagner, named therein, he supposing it to be a regular passport. The original is an engraved or lithographed form, completed, for this particular case, by the insertion in writing of the words underlined in red in the copy.
Mr. Wagner states that he is of German birth and a citizen of the United States by naturalization; his plans of travel make a passport desirable, and he is most unexpectedly, in consequence of being misled by the above-mentioned paper, given the trouble of procuring from St. Paul, Minn., the certificate of his naturalization, needed in aid of his application at this legation.
I have, etc.,