Mr. Blaine to Mr. Tsui.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 1st instant, in which you recur to the subject of the note addressed by you to the Department on the 26th of March last, to which no formal reply has been made.

I am happy to confirm your surmise that the delay in making such a reply has not been due to any neglect or lack of appreciation of the representations you have made or of the importance of the peservation of the cordial and traditional relations of friendship which have subsisted between our two governments. The questions which you present have been and are now the subject of careful consideration on the part of this Government, and I hope to be able at an early day to convey to you the views of the President in an ample and formal manner.

In communicating to you this expectation, I desire to assure you of my appreciation of the sentiments of amity that pervade the note to which I now have the honor to reply.

Accept, etc.,

James G. Blaine.