Mr. Lee to Mr.
Legation of
the United States,
Rio de
Janeiro, April 2, 1890.
(Received April 28.)
No. 56.]
Sir: I have the honor to report that I was received
yesterday (April 1) by the President for the purpose of presenting the joint
resolution of Congress congratulating the people of Brazil on their
assumption of the powers, duties, and responsibilities of
I inclose a copy of my speech and of the President’s reply to the remarks
made by me on that occasion; also a translation thereof and notice in O Paiz
with translation.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 56.]
Mr. Lee’s remarks
on delivering to the President of Brazil the
congratulations of Congress.
Mr. President: I am charged with the agreeable
duty of placing in Your Excellency’s hands an authenticated copy of the
joint resolution of the Senate and House-of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, which was approved by
the President on the 19th of February last, whereby the United States of
America congratulate the people of Brazil on their peaceful assumption
of the powers, duties, and responsibilities of self-government.
My Government, resting upon the freely expressed will of the people of
the United States, thus gives voice through their representatives to the
cordial sentiments they entertain toward the people of Brazil, and
utters their friendly welcome to the nation which, by adoption of
self-government, has enrolled itself among the independent commonwealths
of the western hemisphere. The friendship which already unites the two
countries is a pledge of even closer association looking toward the
attainment in the future of ends common to both. I can not permit myself
to doubt that the high hopes my countrymen cherish for the advancement
of Brazil in the paths of peace and of material prosperity will be
abundantly realized under the beneficent influence of justice and
reverence for the rights of all men.
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Reply of the President to
Mr. Lee.
I receive with the most sincere pleasure the congratulations of the
Congress of the United States of America upon the auspicious
assimilation of the institutions of our continent.
The mutual friendship which, happily, has always existed between Brazil
and the United States of America will be from to-day, I hope, more
intimate and cordial, since by the identity of our political
institutions is established between the Brazilian people and the
American people a virtual alliance, founded on sentiments of mutual
esteem and confidence, and having in view common interests in the cause
of peace and the prosperity of the American nations.
The Brazilian people, who have always had a high appreciation of the good
relations maintained with the American people, will receive with
gratitude this new proof of friendship from the illustrious
representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
as well as this token of esteem which the illustrious President of a
powerful Republic, your country, has offered us, having sent through you
the expression of his friendly sentiments.
Manoel Deodoro da
[Page 23]
[Inclosure 3 in No.
Notice in O Paiz of the audience.
Mr. James Lee, chargé d’affaires of the United States of North America,
was presented yesterday at a quarter past 1 o’clock by the minister of
foreign affairs to the distinguished marshal, chief of the Provisional
Government, to whom he delivered the joint resolution of congratulation
to the United States of Brazil adopted by the American Congress and
approved by the President of that Republic.
The marshal, having received the resolution, expressed his appreciation
of this very high proof of confraternity of the great North American
There were present at the reception, besides the minister of foreign
affairs, the ministers of justice and marine.
The illustrious representative of the United States of North America was
conveyed to the palace of the chief of the Provisional Government in an
elegant carriage drawn by a most beautiful pair of horses.