Mr. Blaine to Mr. Mizner.

No. 203.]

Sir: In response to a part of your No. 187 of the 18th ultimo, I transmit a copy of Gen. Molina Guirola’s telegram to this Department of August 6, 1890, stating that messages to you were not detained in Salvador. As the telegram* of Minister Ryan, dated at Mexico, July 28, 1890, is also pertinent, I inclose a copy.

Referring at the same time to the telegram of this Department sent you on the 7th of August and to instruction No. 151 of August 11, 1890.

I am, etc.,

James G. Blaine.
[Inclosure in No. 203.—Telegram.—Translation.]

Mr. Guirola to Mr. Blaine.

Messages from your Department to Minister Mizner are not detained in any office in Salvador, but in telegraph office in Guatemala.

Your obedient servant,

B. Molinó Guirola,
  1. For this inclosure see under Mexico.