Mr. Mizner to Mr. Blaine.

No. 193.]

Sir: I have just received your instruction No. 188 of the 2d instant, in which you say that the director of telegraphs in Salvador states that your telegraph of the 20th of last July “was duly sent to its destination on the same day by way of Honduras, as direct communication with Guatemala was impossible.”

I have the certificate of the receiving clerk of the central office in this city to the effect that no such telegram has ever been received in his office. There is no other office here having telegraphic connection with Honduras.

The loss or delay must be somewhere between Salvador and Honduras, or between Honduras and this Republic. I have written to our consul in Tegucigalpa to investigate the matter, sending him a copy of the cipher telegram for that purpose. Mail communication with Honduras is slow, and an answer from there can not be expected short of a month.

I am, etc.,

Lansing B. Mizner.