Mr. Mizner to Mr. Blaine.

No. 187.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your instruction No. 177 of the 18th instant on the subject of the interruption of the correspondence of Consul Myers by the authorities of the Republic of Salvador and their refusal to grant him a pass to leave the country, in connection with which I have to report that I have sent to the telegraph operator who was at La Libertad in July, August, and September last for a written statement of the control exercised over his office by the authorities of Salvador during the time mentioned. As soon as I shall receive a reply I will forward it to you; in the meantime it will be well for you to send me a copy of the disclaimer of Salvador referred to in your No. 186 of September 29, so as to enable me to investigate the matter more perfectly.

I am, etc.,

Lansing B. Mizner.