No. 714.

Mr. Soteldo to Mr. Bayard.


Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s note of the 14th instant, urging the payment of the second half of the $6,000 due in settlement of the claim of Mr. Wheelock. I [Page 939] have transmitted it to my Government, which will regret as much as your excellency’s this unexpected delay, caused by the unforeseen expenditures growing out of the revolution which broke out after the payment of the first installment of $3,000, which was paid before the present impediment occurred.

Do not doubt, excellency, that my Government is striving to redeem the public faith pledged for the fulfillment of this international obligation, and that it feels the greatest regret at seeing it still pending for reasons entirely foreign to its volition.

Hoping an early conclusion of this affair, I take pleasure, &c.,