No. 713.

Mr. Bayard to Mr. Soteldo.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 12th ultimo, and to say, that in view of its contents, I had expected to receive for Mr. Wheelock the second half of the award of $6,000, due that gentleman from Venezuela, prior to this date. The prompt payment of the first installment without any qualification or reserve whatever, and the entire absence from the arrangement made with you of any subordination of the settlement to the pleasure of the legislature of Venezuela, makes it impossible for this Government to formally admit that the second installment stands on any different footing from the first, which has already been paid, under the terms of the arrangement. It is expected that the honor and good faith of Venezuela will be shown by a similarly exact and scrupulous execution of the compact in its entirety. While forbearance seemed proper, in view of the embarrassment of the Venezuelan Government, in the regard mentioned in your note, the continued delay makes it incumbent to announce that this forbearance is shown by way of courtesy only, and can simply no abandonment of the rights in the premises or qualification of the letter and spirit of the original engagement. It is very desirable that the President should be enabled to announce to Congress at an early day the complete adjustment of the Wheelock incident; and to this end I have the honor to invite the payment of the second installment forthwith, with added interest to cover the delay.

Accept, &c.,