Mr. Buck to Mr. Bayard.
Lima, September 5, 1885. (Received September 25.)
Sir: I inclose a police-order and translation. Of course it is regarded as directed against political suspects. Much alarm has been caused by this order, and numerous arrests have been made) and there are now said to be imprisoned at Callao some fifty political prisoners.
In my No. 7 I advised you of the suppression of Pierola’s organ “El Pais.” On August 28 he was ordered to leave the country in eight days, and a passport sent him. He leaves, I understand, on the mail steamer to-day. The impression is, I think, he will go to France.
In my No. 23 I referred to an oppressive decree by the prefect of Chiclayo imposing export duties on sugar, &c, and suggesting its probable repeal. This decree has been rescinded, and Prefect Frias has been superseded by Col. José A. Larco.
On the 1st instant a telegram from Ica to Pisco stated that the montoneros were expected at the former place, and Government officials had all left it; whereupon Pisco was abandoned by the Government custom-house officials, and Dr. Micarmo Leon (Cáceresta), with some eighty men, occupied the place. The Government here, on the 2d instant, declared the port with its dependencies closed. There are confused accounts of disturbances and fighting, the assassination of a prefect, &c., in Canches, a province in the department of Cuzco, and of conflicting movements in other localities of the department, but nothing which I can place before you in definite shape. It is reported from the north that the montoneros took Carlenaz by surprise, and in the encounter killed thirty of the Urban guard. It is stated that upon hearing the news the prefect at Huaraz left there at the head of some troops to drive out the montoneros.
All continues quiet in this city and vicinity.
I have, &c.,