No. 458.
Mr. Buck to Mr.
Legation of
the United States,
Lima, September 4, 1885. (Received
November 27.)
No. 27.]
* * * * * * *
Referring to No. 9, I have already, in my No. 17, of July 24, advised you of
my attention to the Owen Young case. Later, in my No. 22, I inclosed you
copy of a note sent to the foreign office, and in my No. 25, of August 22, I
called attention to the reply received from the minister of foreign affairs,
with inclosures, of which copies with translations were sent to you in said
No. 25. Two days ago I received another note in same matter from the foreign
office, with inclosures, of which I send copies and translations. It will be
seen in last named inclosure from the foreign office it is claimed that it
is impossible to discover the “author of the death of Owen Young.”
* * * * * * *
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure in No.
Mr. Urrutia to Mr.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Lima, August 31,
I have the honor to communicate to your excellency that the minister of
justice has directed to this ministry the dispatch of which I here have
the pleasure of sending you a certified copy with this dispatch, giving
an account of the progress made in the criminal process being prosecuted
in Pacasmayo in reference to the death of the North American citizen,
Mr. Owen Young.
I take advantage, &c.,
[Inclosure in inclosure in No.
Mr. Tovar to Mr.
The judge of the first instance of the province of Pacasmayo has directed
to this ministry, under date 22d instant, the following dispatch:
“I have the honor to communicate to your honor, that through you it may
be made known to the minister of the department, that in the official
criminal process being
[Page 615]
prosecuted to discover the author of the death of the American citizen,
Mr. Owen Young, under date of 18th instant, it has been ordered that the
papers of the proceedings shall he passed over to the attorney-general’s
ministry that he may give his judgment in the principal of the process,
and I understand that by next steamer I shall be able to advise your
honor of the conclusion of the summary in the first instance. All the
interest taken by me, as well as that taken by the attorney-general’s
ministry, shows by the evidence that the judicial authorities of this
section have done all possible to discover the cause and author of
Young’s death. And it appears from the summary that the house of
deceased was used as a parapet by the freebooters, who had the intention
to defeat the forces of the Government which were coming from Cajamarca
to this capital in September of last year; also, that in the pockets
(pellon) of the saddle-cover of the late Young were found warlike
instruments. These circumstances have probably been the motive for the
deed which it is desired to clear up, and it will be impossible at
present to discover the author of the death of Young.”
Which I have the honor to transcribe to your honor, for your knowledge
and the ends it may serve.
God guard your honor.