No. 432.

Mr. S. L. Phelps to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 203.]

Sir: On the 14th instant I read your dispatch No. 90 to the minister of foreign affairs, and left a copy with him, in reference to the murder of Owen Young.

I had addressed him on January 7, before receipt of your dispatch referred to, as per copy of the letter inclosed to you on that date, but have received no reply from him to either communication.

When your dispatch was read to him, he said he had just received a report from the court having jurisdiction, and would send a copy of it at once.

He has failed to do so, presumably because the report was not such as he thought would be acceptable.

I took occasion to say that he might rely upon it that the United States would insist upon the prosecution of the matter and the execution of the murderer when discovered.

I have, &c.,